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Cancers that are benign, and are just forming, they are under proliferation. A tumor is only considered a cancer only if its malignant, that is, only if its cell have acquired the ability to go to the surrounding tissue.

Epithelial cells is, carcinomas

Connective tissue, sarcomas

Leukemia is all other

90% of humans have carcinomas cancer when they get cancer, such as skin.

If something is benign, it is NOT cancer. Many cancers are treatable today. The one cancer that is usually always fatal is Pancreatic Cancer. The fact that cancer is so evasive means that it is never really cured. They call it remission-meaning that no cancer of it's type after treatment can be detected or is less that 1% of the total type of cells it is in. Cancer is caused by a mutation of some kind of cells DNA. the smallest strand of DNA , which contains the genetic material may have one or more strands that are mutated in some way causing the "cancer" - an abnormal growth of cells that is out of control. Early detection is the key.

Cancers like All forms of Leukemia can develop extremely slowly (follicular) and go undetected for an entire life time. Adult Leukemia usually presents itself later in life. 40 years and up. Treatments can include chemotherapy, radiation and even surgery to remove tumors if present. Treatment for adult Leukemia has come a long way in the last 20 years and survival rates are now into the 60-70% range. Anything over 50% is considered good.

I have AML....Acute Myleoyd Leukemia. I have been in treatment for 2 years.

I feel pretty good now but became very sick before I was diagnosed.

Cancer is much more common in people that most people realize.

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Cancers, by their very nature, have a strong tendency to spread. In many cases, if found early, the cancerous area can be treated (either with radiation or Chemotherapy) and/or removed through surgery. However if the cancer has spread to more vital organs and if not treated early, chances begin to lessen of being cured. There are also certain forms of cancer that we understand better than others, and just like many other diseases, cancers can evolve beyond the treatments we currently know/have.

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Q: What cancers are curable and what cancers are not?
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Is Adenocarcinoma Disease Curable?Adenocarcinoma is the name of a broad category of cancers. This type of cancer occurs in cells that line organs such as the colon, lung, and breast. The earlier this cancer is caught the more favorable the prognosis.A carcinoma is a cancer. Whether it is curable or not depends on how far it has progressed.

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Yes. It has a cure rate of 100% if caught early. It progresses very slowly, so it's usually caught early.

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it is because the government only takes so much money out of our wallets and to make cancer curable you take $500,000,000 and grind it up in a blender then you inject the liquiod into the cancer cells so we can only cure so much cancer and that's why it takes awhile to inject all that money and why we are like 10 trillion in debt hope this helped :)

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This is a curable condition.Unfortunately, death is not curable.

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There are some treatments available for lymphoma cancer. Since it is a cancer, it cannot be treated in all cases. The most widely used treatments are chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The goal of these therapies are to get the cancer into complete remission. This means all signs of the disease are gone. However, the cancer can come back. If it does, this is called recurrence.

Is there hope cancer can be cured?

There are hundreds and hundreds of types of cancer. Some are readily curable (e.g. basal cell carcinoma of the skin, for example). Some are practically incurable (e.g. pancreatic cancer and other cancers which have metastasized). Work on prevention is as important as the work on finding cures for the various types of cancers.

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Melanoma is the most dangerous of all deadly skin cancers. It is 100% curable though if you get your skin and moles (most common form of melanoma) checked by your dermatologist regulary.

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is bronchospasm can be curable

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Yes, cancer is totally curable. This is why early screening is very important. This doesn't mean that all cancer patients can be cured, but more than 80% of cancers today are completely curable if treated early.For a cancer to be curable there are three factors: Type of cancer that a patient has, the stage of the cancer and how well the patient responds to the kind of treatment that is decided for him/her.There are some types of cancers which are curable even after they have spread: Childhood Acute lymphoid leukemia, (All types), Hodgkin's disease, Large cell lymphoma, APL Testicular cancer and othersYes it is, only if it is caught early. But it is cured until it comes backYes, I have been cancer free for 9 years now. Had a bad case of throat cancer, they only removed one tonsil, had 34 radiation treatments, and am fine today. However, there are long-term radiation side effects that nobody bothered to tell me about.