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The person should be careful not to take rich oily fast foods, follow the Doctor's advice, take medicine on time,avoid late night parties, go to bed early, should not lift weight, avoid jogging (though light morning or evening walk is permitted), should not watch Horror film,or tensed one day cricket match, avoid stressful job. Above all, take life as it is though a bit routine life has to be maintained.

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Q: What care would you give a persn showing the early warning signs of a heart attack?
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Warning of heart attack?

pain,sweating,difficulty breathing

What is the warning of a heart attack pain may radiate down?

A warning that a hard attack may occur is pain radiating through your dominate arm.

What are some heart attack warning signs?

Some heart attack warning signs include chest pain, loss of strength and difficulty breathing. You can find more information online at websites like

What is without warning?

Weather can occur without any warning; a traffic accident can happen without any warning; you could drop dead from a heart attack without any warning, etc.

Warning of a heart attack pain may radiate down the?

pain may radiate down the arm

Can you have mini heart attacks?

Yes, they would be called mild heart attacks, not "mini". A mild myocardial infarction (M.I.) is a warning sign for the development of a bigger heart attack.

Where can I find an article that describes major heart attack symptoms in women?

Women can have symptoms of an impending heart attack for up to a month before the actual event. Mild symptoms such as heartburn,sleep disturbances, or weakness in the arms,are things that we can have on a daily basis,can be warning signals for a heart attack.

What are the warning signs of a heart attack?

Warning signs of heart attacks include a sudden numbness or weakness on one side of your body, sudden confusion understanding, or speaking, trouble seeing, walking, a loss of balance or a sudden headache.

Why is heart attack called the silent killer?

A Heart Attack that is Silent ^__^ ;) ~Bexterr Was Heree

Can a 50 yer old woman with jaw pain be a warning of clogged arteries or enpending heart attack Would a history of 2 heart attacks matter?

if you are fat, then yes

How Clark Gable past away?

He had a heart attack in early November and was sent to the hospital. He was doing better, but about two weeks later he had another heart attack that caused his death. Ironically he had his first heart attack on his daughters 25th birthday and died on his granddaughters 1st birthday.

What is the prevalence of myocardial ischemia in the US?

According to the American Heart Association, up to four million Americans may have silent ischemia and be at high risk of having a heart attack with no warning.