

What cause death of zygote?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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14y ago

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if the zygote did not came in contact with sperm then it did not fertilize as the result causes death of zygote.

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Q: What cause death of zygote?
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What happens when the zygote does not attach to the uterine wall?

If a zygote attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube it is called an ectopic pregnancy. If it continues to grow, it will cause the tube to rupture and the mother to hemorrhage. If left untreated this can lead to death. Ectopic pregnancies have to be terminated because they are never viable and can be life threatening to the mother.

How does resorption of the zygote or embryo causes zygote or embryo death?

Re-absorption is when the female's body breaks down and uses the embryo's body, usually occurring when the body determines that it is not pregnant. The zygote dies because it is being absorbed into the females body.

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Can you eat a zygote egg?

A zygote is not an egg; there are no zygote eggs. If there were, I could eat them.

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Because ith does b/c the intracellular telekites interact with the soclamolotes and causes the loss of chromosome material.. then the zygote dies b/c not all the material is in tact for it..

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Fertilization is the short answer. This process results in a fertilized egg known as a zygote.

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