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An ingrown toenail is a nail that grows inward, instead of normally. Usually, one corner of the nail will curl downward and dig into the skin. Ingrown toenails are sharp and tend to jab the skin on the outer edge of the toe. If the nail breaks the skin, bacteria can cause an infection in that area. Bacterial infections can cause inflammation, redness, foul odors and pain. In most cases, the big toe (hallux) is affected.

There are various reasons why ingrown toenails develop. These causes include: Genetics, Trauma or injury to the nail, Infection of the nail, Toe jamming (sports activities that require sudden stops) , Improper trimming of nails (nail is trimmed to far back or not straight across) , Poor hygiene , Improper footwear , Nail naturally curves more than normal and more information Visit that website

It's hereditary.

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