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Roman Catholic AnswerAlthough Erasmus lived at the same time as Martin Luther, and had similar complaints about the Church, nevertheless, he remained a true Catholic and wished to reform the Church from the inside and did not wish to be considered a heretic as Martin Luther came to be. His writings were used by the protestant "reformers" though, and the Pope placed all of them on the Index of Forbidden Books.
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Q: What caused Erasmus to criticize the teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church?
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The humanist who wrote "Praise of Folly" is Desiderius Erasmus, a Dutch philosopher and theologian. In this work, Erasmus uses satire to criticize the institutions and practices of the Catholic Church during his time.

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Where did desiderius erasmus grow up?

Desiderius Erasmus grew up in Rotterdam, Burgundian Netherlands. Desiderius Erasmus was known as a classical scholar and a Catholic priest.

What did Erasmus criticize in his book praise of folly?

He criticizes pilgrimages, fasts, relics, and the Church's interpretation of The Bible.

What were Erasmus's ideas?

Erasmus advocated reforming the catholic church