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Lincoln, always at the telegraph lines in Washington DC had confidence in the success for the Peninsula Campaign. As an aside he originally had strong objections to it. He was also confident inasmuch as McClellan had a large army to prosecute this campaign. It came almost to a success when the Union forces came within six miles of Richmond. However, Richmond eluded the grasp of McClellan and Lincoln agonized over the failure to capture what in military terms was a major center of gravity for the South.

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Q: What caused US President Lincoln to be confident that the Peninsula Campaign would be successful?
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What two Union generals assessed the need for more troops to protect Washington DC as the Peninsula campaign began to unfold?

President Lincoln took the advice of generals Hitchcock and Thomas on the number of troops that were needed to protect Washington DC as the Peninsula campaign was about to begin. As a result, General McDowell's corps were removed from General McClellan's army as the Peninsula campaign was almost ready to begin.

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Virginia. The first big campaign in Virginia, launched by George McLellan, was called the Peninsula Campaign.

What major development caused Union General George McClellan to believe that President Lincoln was hampering the Peninsula campaign of 1862?

As the Union's Peninsula campaign was in its early stages, General McClellan was certain that President Lincoln was hampering McClellan's war operations. Lincoln had stepped in and retained the corps under General McDowell to defend Washington DC. Lincoln believed this was a necessity.

Was US President Lincoln responsible for the Union defeat in the Peninsula campaign?

It would be unfair to blame President Lincoln for the defeat of Union forces involved with the Peninsula campaign. General George B. McClellan had many chances to take advantage of his superior numbers in troops and his advantage by forcing the South's hand by attacking Richmond from the east on the peninsula. His failures of command, especially regarding his unneeded siege of Yorktown gave the South plenty of time to react.

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What was the number of battles in the peninsula campaign under George B McClellan?

The Seven Days Battles was the number of battles in the Peninsula campaign under George B McClellan.

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Which campaign.

What was one legitimate reason that hampered the Union's Peninsula campaign?

On April 6, 1862, Union General George B. McClellan learned of President Lincoln's plans to reduce the size of the Army of the Potomac. Of all the faults that can be attributed to McClellan, none of them were about his sharp military mind for planning strategic operations. And, his Peninsula campaign along with his plans in the Western Theater bear that out.The McDowell corps taken away from him had a purpose in the Peninsula campaign. That corps was one of armies that he planned to use to aid in the opening of the York River. This would encourage the cooperation of the US navy and the northern elements of his forces on the Peninsula.