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Ambrose Burnside, while well intentioned, was not the most qualified or skilled of general officers. One of the reasons he initially declined command was he knew he was unqualified to lead an entire army into battle. He did indeed doubt his own command abilities as well as his knowledge of strategy, tactics and logistics.

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Q: What caused Union General Ambrose Burnside to pause before accepting the assignment of commanding the Army of the Potomac offered by US President Lincoln?
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What is the name of the commandant?

For the Confederates, Robert E. Lee was the commanding officer. The Federals had Ambrose Burnside as their general.

How many times did Union General Burnside receive requests from President Lincoln to take command of the Army of the Potomac?

President Lincoln had great faith in the abilities of General Ambrose Burnside. Three times he asked Burnside to take command of the Army of the Potomac. If he agreed, then Lincoln would dismiss McClellan and replace him with Burnside. On the third request Burnside accepted. McClellan was informed on November 7, 1862 that he was dismissed.

26 Who was a commanding officer of the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War?

Irvin McDowall George McClellan Ambrose Burnside Joseph Hooker Gordon Meade

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After Antietam (Sept 17, 1862) when McClellan once again believed he needed time for his troops to rest. President Lincoln replaced him (on Nov 7) with General Ambrose Burnside. That was the end of McClellan's service as a Union military leader. As an aside, General Burnside felt uncomfortable replacing George B. McClellan. He had been loyal to him, also, he was not sure the command of the Army of the Potomac would be a fit for his abilities.

Which one of these men was a commanding officer of the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War?

Notable commanders: George B. McClellan Ambrose Burnside Joseph Hooker George Meade

What Union generals went to visit President Lincoln to urge the removal of General Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac?

In an unusual action, generals John Cochrane and John Newton were given a visit to President Lincoln. At this time in December of 1862, General Burnside reported to the General in Chief Henry W. Halleck. Despite that, Lincoln granted an audience to the disenchanted generals under Burnside to request Burnside's removal as commander of the Army of the Potomac. Such a meeting with President Lincoln was highly irregular to say the least. Secretary of State William Seward helped to arrange the meeting with the president.

President Lincoln replaced this general with Ambrose Burnside after his failure to win at Antietam?

George Mclellan

Where is the Burnside Branch in Burnside located?

The address of the Burnside Branch is: 85 East French Avenue, Burnside, 42519 0007

Key generals involved in the Antietam?

George McClellan, commanding Union Army of the Potomac. Ambrose Burnside Joseph Hooker Edwin Sumner Abner Doubleday Albert Pleasonton Robert E Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia. Stonewall Jackson James Longstreet AP Hill Jeb Stuart DH Hill

When was Burnside's Bridge created?

Burnside's Bridge was created in 1836.

What is the birth name of Julian Burnside?

Julian Burnside's birth name is Julian W.K. Burnside.

What has the author Ambrose Everett Burnside written?

Ambrose Everett Burnside has written: 'The Burnside expedition' -- subject(s): Burnside's Expedition to North Carolina, 1862