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Q: What caused discord between the north and the south?
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What reform movement caused the greatest tension between the North and South?

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What caused tension between the north and the south?

California's application for statehood.

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What caused for the Civil War?

The base cause of the Civil War was the disparate cultural differences between the North and the South. The South was primarily agrarian and the North was primarily industrial.

What caused the division of Korea into north and south?

Because there was a war between North and South Korea

What events and conditions caused growing conflicts between North Vietnam and South Vietnam?

The main problem between North and South Vietnam was the agreement between both parties that South Vietnam should have elections shortly after the forming of the country. No elections were ever held in South Vietnam, if they had been, the country would have been unified much earlier without the many thousands of deaths caused by the war.

What is the main political difference that caused the split between Korea?

North Korea is Communist; South Korea is Democratic.

Did the North or South cause the US Civil War?

The North caused the war by not allowing the South to live according to their own traditions (slavery). The North caused the war by not allowing the South to leave the union, and start their own country. The SOUTH caused the war by firing the FIRST SHOT!

How did slavery in the South intensify the states' rights issue?

Because Northern people opposed it, and southern farmers supported it therfore it caused tensions between the North and South which caused the American Civil War

Why was the civil war such a tragedy for the United States?

It caused a devision between the North and the South, and created financial problems for the US.

What did the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 settle conflicts between the North and South over?

it caused slavery to expand in to the north.