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Food shortages

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Abbie Botsford

Lvl 13
1y ago
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Q: What was a caused of opposition to the war in both the north and the south?
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What was the cause of opposition to the war in both the north and the south?

Food shortages

What was the opposition to the war in both the north and the south?

Food shortages- apex

What was a cause of opposition to the war in both the north and south?

Food shortages

How was the Vietnam conflict similar to that in Korea?

The North invaded the South with communists being in the North in both countries, they were both caused by efforts to reunite themselves.

Why did both the North and South experience inflation?

The limited supply of goods caused the prices to rise.

Is south America north of the Equator or south of the equator or both north and south?


Is South America (A) north of the equator (B) south of the equator (c) both north and south of the equator?

The answer is C. South America is both north and south of the equator.

Is south ameriaca north of the equator south of the equator or both north and south of the eqater?


Is South America (1) north of the equator(2) south of the equator (3) both north and south of the equator?

It is both north and south of the equator.

Is South America (1) north of the equator (2) south of the equator (3) both north and south of the equator?

3. Both North and South of the equator

Is south America (1) north of the equator (2) south the equator (3) both north and south of the equator?

3. Both North and South of the equator

Is south America(1) north of the equator (2) south of the equator (3) both north and south of the equator?

3. Both North and South of the equator