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Adolf Hitler was a very busy man. Stress was a daily thing for him and Im sure he didnt eat as well as most political leaders with his status. He always felt he had to be in the middle of everything if was to be done right and so sleep was probably not something he got much of either. On top of all of this, there were many powerful people who, though under his command, didnt share his views on every little thing and so plots to assassinate him were quite abundant. Many believe that his own doctor, a man he trusted for many years, turned against him in his final years and started slowly poisoning Hitler with odd drug cocktails that probably helped drive him to his poor health and close to madness at the end of his reign.

So, Stress, poor eating habits, poor sleeping habits, and drugs......Yea that would do it.

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Q: What caused hitlers migraine headaches?
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What does Adolf Hitlers migraine headaches and the Russian Revoulution have in common?

Anything to do with Rasputin ? Go on, enlighten me.....

How are migraine headaches classified?

Migraine headaches are classified by the International Headache Society (IHS) as primary headaches, which means that they are not caused by other diseases or disorders.

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Headaches respond to migraine treatment.

What treatment is recommended for headaches caused by mastocytosis?

Headaches respond to migraine treatment.

What is a main cause of a migraine headache?

Many people suffer migraine headaches and the causes can vary. Some of the headaches are caused due to hormones and others can be caused by diet. Chocolate and dairy products have been found to trigger some migraine headaches.

How do you get migraine?

migraine headaches are usually caused by the decreased blood flow to various areas of the cerebral cortex, symptoms include the sensitivity to the light and sound.

How do you cure massive migraine headaches caused by unknowingly holding your breath at times?

Stop holding Ur breath

Does Migraine cause headaches?

Very bad headaches, yes.

What are secondary headaches?

Headaches caused by other disorders are known as secondary headaches. They may be associated with space-occupying brain tumors, meningitis, stroke , head trauma, pain referred from the neck or jaw.

Is migraine headaches a cephalagia?

Yes, Migraine headache pain is a cephalalgia.

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Is it dangerous migraine?

Migraine headaches are not a dangerous thing. They are rarely life threatening.