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Plate interactions

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Q: What caused many events of mountain building volcanism and earthquakes in western North America during the Cenozoic?
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Related questions

What happened because of plate tectonics?

Plate tectonics result in changes in the relative positions of continents over time, volcanism, earthquakes, and mountain building.

What geological events occur at plate boundaries?

Technically mountains,earthquakes,volcanoes.......good luck

What are the effects of divergent plate movements?

Earthquakes and volcanism.These are formed when two continental tectonic plates collide and their edges. The type of soil in an area greatly affects the type of plant (and animal) life that.

What happens when two contients collide?

Earthquakes and mountain building.

What geological phenomena are due to the movement of the lithosphere's plates?

Movement of the plates can result in a large number of geological phenomena, among which are earthquakes, rifting, volcanism, mountain building, faulting, landslides, changes in global temperatures, and formation of new seas.

How does a mountain form in earths science?

In many ways. Volcanism, Plate Tectonics, Subduction, Folding, Earthquakes (the Tetons); these are just some of the mechanisms involved.

Why are faults important to know about?

Because faults are greatly related to Earthquakes and mountain building.

What is the effects of plate tectonics on land masses and mountain building?

earthquakes and other stuff

What processes can be observed at the margins of lithospheric plates?

faulting, earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building.

What is and example of a convergent plate?

The convergence of the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate in the northwestern United States is an example. In this case, it has resulted in mountain building and volcanism.

Where do most of earth's earthquakes volcanoes and mountain building occur geologically?

plate boundaries

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