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After Joseph had become the second ruler in the land of Egypt after Pharaoh, Joseph's brothers came down to Egypt to buy grain as there was a famine in the land of Canaan. They did not recognize Joseph as their brother at first, but later he made himself known to them. Going back to Canaan they told their father Jacob about Joseph and Jacob and Joseph met after many long years of being apart. Soon Jacob and all his family moved to Egypt to be with Joseph. They lived there in peace and prosperity for many years until a new Pharaoh came into power. This new Pharaoh was afraid of the people of Jacob because they had grown to be many people and he had not known of Joseph and so he enslaved them.

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The Torah states that Pharaoh claimed that the high Israelite birth-rate could pose a potential threat (Exodus ch.1).On a spiritual level, the Egyptian slavery was brought about by God (see Genesis ch.15). It taught us the importance of loving the stranger (Deuteronomy 10:19), it showed us the power of God when He redeemed us (Exodus 10:2) as well as His personal concern for us (Exodus 2:24); and it served as the "iron furnace" (Deuteronomy 4:20) which smelted us (the Israelites) into a nation and separated the dross.

See also:


The Exodus

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Q: What caused the Israelites to be enslaved in the Old Testament?
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