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The Banded Hare-Wallaby is not extinct. It is currently endangered (as of 2011). It is found only on three islands off the northwest coast of Western Australia.

The biggest threat to the banded Hare Wallaby comes from introduced predators such as foxes and cats. Their food source has been compromised by the proliferation of animals such as the goat and rabbit, while drought has also wiped out populations of this wallaby.

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Q: What caused the banded hare wallaby to become extinct?
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What caused the barbary serval to become extinct?

Many people hunted them, some farmers killed them to protect their livestock, and other's were keeping them as pets.

How did the banff longnose dace become extinct?

The Banff Longnose Dace became extinct because of the introduction of new tropical fish species in to its' enviroment (a marsh into which the Cave and Basin Hotsprings drain) the leakage from a swimming pool into the water where it lives, and the construction of a beaver dam near it's enviroment. All of these events combined caused the Longnose Dace to become extinct.

What was the first species to be extinct?

The first life on earth was unicellular organisms. These organisms reproduced asexually, meaning that they reproduced by copying themselves. Because they did not interbreed, a slight mutation in the DNA caused a new species to exist. If one of the mutant cells failed to divide, that was a species becoming extinct. Humans cannot even begin to fathom the number of these species there must have been or when they started to become extinct. Extinction is a natural process and cannot be stopped; when we talk about being concerned about extinction we generally mean extinctions caused by modifications made to the environment by humans.

What is the physical description of a banded piglet squid?

The banded piglet squid is a small squid, with the piglet part of its name referring to its appearance. It appears to have a smiley face, caused by a certain alignment of skin pigments on its face. This squid looks very round and plump. It has hairlike tentacles on top of it. A syphon extends from the banded piglet squid, resembling a nose. The squid overall is about the size of an avocado. It has eight arms in addition to the tentacles. The banded piglet squid has a tendency to fill up with water. This also indicates why it is labelled a "piglet squid."

How do snakes become albino?

Albino snakes don't "BECOME" albinos. They are just born that way because of Albinism which is caused by a genetic mutation. Although many people think that Albino's change during their life they actually don't

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