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The most likely scenario was the impact of a gigantic meteor in the Yucatan Peninsula, near Chicxulub, Mexico. The ensuing global climatic catastrophe may have been enough to cause the extinction of around 60% of all species that existed before the impact. A great amount of volcanism was also occurring around this time which also may have been a contributing factor.

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13y ago
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12y ago

many believe this was due to a hugeasteroid (rocky mass that orbits the sun) striking earth- this threw huge amounts of dust and water vapor into the atmosphere, blocking sunlight- killing plants and animals (no dinosaurs survived)

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16y ago

i have no idea, but im looking for it right now!! well anyway GOD BLESS YOU!!

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11y ago

A dust cloud would have blocked out the sun, curtailing photosynthesis. As a result plants were shut down for an extended period of time. Herbivores died out first, then carnivores.

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6y ago

The continental drift is what was responsible for the climate during the Jurassic period.

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13y ago

The extinction of dinosaurs.

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Q: What caused the severe climate change during the cretaceous period?
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What major change occurred in the atmosphere during the precambrian?

The atmosphere, during the Precambrian became richer in oxygen caused by a bacteria called cyanobacteria.

What are 20 facts about weather?

Weather can change very quickly during the day. Climate takes years to change.Weather is powered by the sun.

Describe climate change?

Climate change is the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released by mankind into the ozone layer which has then caused a big hole just above Antarctica. Transport, Machinery and Agriculture are the main causes of climate change.

What was the climate during the mesosoic era?

It vmkffenifdnvi

What are facts about the Cretaceous time period?

1.) mammals,amphibians,crocodiles,turtles,insects,and land plants survived the cretaceous time. 2.) 1815 was called the year without summer because the volcanic dust, propelled into the stratosphere where it couldn't get rain, sunlight. 3.) Not only was iridium common in the last Cretaceous layers, but also microtektites, which are small glass spheres characteristic of the impact of an asteroid with terrestrial rocks that contain silicon. Shocked quartz grains, characteristic of powerful impacts, were also found. 4.) All this happened, even though the global temperature decreased by only about 2°F (1½12;°C). 5.) The Cretaceous extinction changed the face of biodiversity on Earth. After the large dinosaurs were gone, many large mammals evolved as well as many small ones. 6.) The lower part of the Cretaceous System consists of six stages: the Berriasian, Valanginian, Hauterivian, Barremian, Aptian, and Albian. 7.) Early Cretaceous characteristically deltaic and lacustrine. 8.) Late Cretaceous including marine deposits, such as sandstone and the characteristic chalk, a pure fine-grained white limestone formed largely of planktonic coccoliths. 9.) As continents continued to drift apart, the climate over much of the land became cooler and drier during the Cretaceous. 10.) plants appeared, and dinosaurs and other reptiles reached their peak of development.

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What was the environment compared to the present in the cretaceous?

The climate of the Cretaceous period was warmer and more humid than it is today. The Earth's landmasses changed during the Cretaceous and sea level was higher then than it is today.

How did the climate change during Hurricane Katrina?

The climate does not change during or as a result of hurricanes.

What was the climate during the cretaceous period?

It snowed in the high altitudes. It then warmed up because of volcanic activity everywhere. Smolls Rule!!

What event do scientist think may have caused the mass extinction at the end of the Paleozoic?

the climate change during the shifting of the plates that was causing the making of Pangea

Why did pteranodon extinct?

Pterosaurs declined during the Late Cretaceous due to competition with early birds. The last pterosaurs became extinct in the End Cretaceous Mass Extinction, which was caused by an asteroid impact in the Gulf of Mexico.

During which era did the mosasaur swim in the interior seaway?

probably during the early part of the Cretaceous Period

Could Antarctica ever have a tornado?

It is highly unlikely with the current climate. However, at times, such as during the Cretaceous period, Antarctica had a much warmer climate than it does not, even supporting forests. At that time, tornadoes may have been ocurred.

Why did the andrewsarchus go extinct?

andrewsarchus might have gone extinct during the central Asian extinction caused by the formation of the Himalaya Mountains 40 million tears ago or because of Habitat loss maybe Global warming and Climate change

How did dinosaurs change during the Cretaceous period?

No. If you count birds as dinosaurs, they still exist. If you don't, dinosaurs became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous, not the beginning.

Where was Jordan located during the Late Cretaceous?

During the late Cretaceous, the country known as Jordan today was still connected to Africa and occupied a small region in its northeatsren tip. Jordan at the time was mostly covered with the Tethys Sea with coastlines displaced to the south and was influenced by a subtropical climate since it was much closer to the equator than it is now.

Did T-rex appeared during the early Cretaceous?

Yes, T-Rex appeared during the beginning of Cretaceous about 137 million years ago.

Animals during cretaceous period?

Some animals during the cretaceous period were tapejara, microraptor, and velociraptor. There was also triceratops, styracosaurus, and the tyrannosaurus rex.