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there was suddenly more land available

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Q: What caused the slave trade to increase during the early 1800?
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What did Nigeria do that caused Britain to increase its presence there at the end of the 19th century?

the slave trade

Reasons caused the rapid increase of slave labor after 1680?

Possibly the dependency of slave labor for cotton production that was in high demand. It was cheep and demand was high.

What caused the size of plantations in Virginia and Maryland to increase in the1700's?

The increased use of African slave labor.

What caused an increase in the number of slave in the northern English?

Fewer indentured servants arrived as conditions in Europe improved.

Why did the importation of enslaved Africans increase in the late 1600s and early 1700s?

Because slave trade increased in popularity.

What caused the slave trade?

Slave sellers and slave buyers.

What did congress do that caused the increase of the domestic slave trade?

They passed a law in 1807 that prohibited imporation of slaves to the United States. The law took effect on January 1, 1808. The law did not ban slavery and children born to slaves automatically became slaves themselves. This law and the increasing need for slaves in the South caused the domestic slave trade to increase.

What helped to increase the slave trade in Africa during the seventh century?

The major growth in the Atlantic slave trade in the seventeenth century was to be driven by the expansion of New World exports to Europe.

What strained relations between the Kongo kingdom and Portugal during afosos rule?

the slave trade caused the collapse of relations between the kongo kingdom and portugal.

What caused the slave population in the Chesapeake colonies to grow?

What caused the slave population in the Chesapeake colonies to grow?

How did Germany manage to increase their production during the war?

Germany manages to increase its production during the war by using slave labor and moving some of its important factories underground. Some production slowed but many war-related industries flourished.

What caused many government in the to pass slave code?

A rising fear of slave revolts