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The really intense witch hunts in England were the result of the intense feeling on the subject by King James I of England, who was also King James VI of Scotland. These began in North Berwick, Scotland in 1590, after King James had been hit by a storm while at sea on the way to Denmark, where he was to marry. The storm was blamed on witches. King James I published a book called Daemonologie on the subject of witches, and it was influential in later trials in Britain, North America, and elsewhere.

It should be noted that this was not during the Middle Ages, but rather a thing of the Renaissance.

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Q: What caused the witch hunts of England?
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What factors influenced the witch hunts in England 1556-1667?

Ignorance and bigotry

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Like all Witch Hunts; Mccarthy caused desaster to many inocent blameless people!

Are there witch hunts now?

There are actual witch hunts going on today in some parts of the world, though the people of the rest of the world know better than to hunt for actual witches. There are things metaphorically called witch hunts going on today in parts of the world where people know better than to hunt for actual witches. Sometimes the things metaphorically called witch hunts are worse. There is a link to an article on witch hunts below.

Why did the witch hunts take place?

In Plilibelpia!

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Witch hunt actually originates from with hunts in past centuries. From 1480 to 1750 is considered the classical period of witch hunts. The last executions happened in the 18th century.

What is an example of scapegoating in history other then the Holocaust?

There have been many witch-hunts in history. Obvious examples include: * The witch-hunts in Crowellian England in the 1640s and in Massachusetts in the early 1690s. * Joseph McCarthy's obsession with 'red under beds', c. 1947-54. * The persecution of the Templars in the early 1300s.

Who started the 1892 witch hunts?

Do you mean 1692?

What caused witch hunts to die down?

Well, people stopped seeing someone do magic, so they thought they had wiped out all of the witches, so they stopped hunting for them.

Where were witch hunts held in colonial America?

Salem, Massachusetts

Which Salem is the one from the witch hunts?

Old Salem, Massachussetts.