

What causes DNA to become fragmented?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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restriction endonucleases.

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Q: What causes DNA to become fragmented?
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When the contents of a file are scattered across two or more noncontiguous sectors, the file has become fragmented

What causes the DNA to precipitate and spool on the rod?

The alcohol used causes the precipitate to form due to a reaction allowing the hydrogen bonds between the nucleotides to form, which causes the DNA to become efficient packed and twisted together.

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A cancer promoter causes cells with DNA mutations to multiply and become tumors.

What process is used to cut DNA into fragments?

DNA can be fragmented using restriction endonucleases or restriction enzymes. Restriction enzymes identify specific sequences within the DNA and cause cleavage generating fragments. When this digested DNA is allowed to run in gel electrophoresis fragments get separated according to their mass. When visualized under UV transilluminator, fragmented DNA can be observed as fluorescing bands.

Definition of DNA loading dye?

DNA loading dye is a solution used in gel electrophoresis to aid in loading DNA samples onto the gel. It typically contains tracking dyes that allow visualization of the DNA migration during electrophoresis and a density reagent that helps sink the sample into the well. DNA loading dye also often contains glycerol to make it easier to load the samples into the gel wells.

How does a file become a fragment?

When the contents of a file are scattered across two or more noncontiguous sectors, the file has become fragmented

What are the fragments making up the noncontinuous strand called?

If you are referring to the fragmented lagging strand for DNA replication, the fragments are called Okazaki fragments.

What causes an error in DNA replications?

DNA polymerase pairing A with G

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How does ethidium bromide interact with double stranded DNA Does it increase or remove supercoiling?

when ethidium ion intercalates between two dna base pairs in a circular dna it causes the dna to unwind by 26 degrees, thereby decreasing twist and increasing writhe. in a circular dna which is negatively supercoiled, if ethidium is added it will become relaxed and if more ethidium is added dna becomes positively supercoiled

What causes mutation in cells?

DNA polymerase