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If you are referring to the fragmented lagging strand for DNA replication, the fragments are called Okazaki fragments.

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Q: What are the fragments making up the noncontinuous strand called?
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What fragments of DNA produced from the lagging strand that must be joined called?

Okazaki fragments

At each replication fork one new strand of DNA is made of many small pieces what is the strand of DNA?

The lagging stand~Brainly

Which strand (leading or lagging) will have the okazaki fragments?

The lagging strand.

What is lagging strand in replication of DNA?

The two strands of DNA in animal cells are arranged backwards to each other - the start of one is paired with the ending of the other. However, the enzyme that replicates DNA (DNA polymerase) can only work from start to finish. On one strand, DNA polymerase can work front to back in a continuous chain - the strand that allows this is called the leading strand because it "leads" in completion status. On the other strand, the DNA polymerase has to work backwards in pieces and then put the pieces back together into a single chain - the strand that causes this is called the lagging strand because it "lags behind" the other in completion status.

The enzyme that connects the fragments ( Okazaki fragments) are called?

DNA ligase is the enzyme responsible for connecting the Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand during DNA replication. It catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester bonds to join the individual nucleotides together.

The strand of DNA that is not transcribed is called the strand.?

RNA polymerase runs in one direction and is making up a single strand of mRNA. So, the strand not copied in the antiparallel double stranded DNA is called the nonsense strand. ( sense strand is copied )

What is the definition of a lagging strand?

A lagging strand is one of two strands of DNA found at the replication fork, or junction, in the double helix; the other strand is called the leading strand. A lagging strand requires a slight delay before undergoing replication, and it must undergo replication discontinuously in small fragments.

What is replication forks?

A replication fork is the mechanism by which a strand of DNA is synthesized. If you can imagine a strand of DNA unwound, then it would resemble a ladder. Unzip the DNA and it now looks like a fork, ie fork in road, not eating fork. There is a Leading strand, which is synthesised easily. USing DNA polymerase which 'reads' along the strand in the 3' to 5' direction on the strand, producing a replication strand in the 5' to 3' direction. The opposite strand is called the lagging strand, and this is slightly more complicated. DNA polymerase cannot read in the 5' to 3' direction on the template strand. Thus DNA primase is used to read the strand and replicate small RNA segments, called Okazaki fragments. The lagging strand has no been copied into many small strands of RNA, or Okazaki fragments. Next DNA polymerase comes along and replaces all the RNA nucleotides with DNA nucleotides. ANd finally DNA ligase 'stitches' all the small fragments into one long strand.

What are okazaki fragments used to elongate?

Okazaki fragments are used to elongate the lagging strand. These fragments are used as primers for RNA polymerase to fill up the gaps in the newly formed complimentary DNA on the lagging strand. DNA ligase then seals up the gaps.

What fragments are sections of DNA made on the lagging strand?

okazaki fregments

What are the small segments synthesized in the lagging strand of DNA?

Okazaki fragments

What is okazaki?

okazaki fragments are new pieces of Dna On the lagging strand