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The rotation of earth on its axis.

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Q: What causes day and night vice versa?
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What causes the change from day to night and vice versa?

Earth's rotation on its axis

Explain why sea breeze happen during day and land breezes happen at night?

because at night the sea cools slower than the land and the uneven heating causes it to bring the air to the sea. and vice versa for the day time and the night timeland breezes happen during the day because the temperature is higher, and land breezes at night when the temperature is lower.

Why do animals in the ocean migrate to the surface at night and back to deep water during day?

it is cooler water towards the top than the bottom at night vice versa during the day

When is the biggest day and night?

If you mean the longest: When you have the longest day, you'll also have the shortest night, and vice versa. In the northern hemisphere, the longest day is around June 21, and the shortest day is around December 21. In the southern hemisphere, it is the other way round.

Is it night in Russia if it is day in the US?

Russia is divided into multiple time zones, but it is past the IDL(International Date Line) So Russia is a day, usually 12 hours ahead of us. So yes, it is Day if it's night here or vice versa.

What astronomical causes day and night?

The rotation of the earth causes night and day.

What is the song for the dancing man on windfall island?

When you play the wind waker near him, he will teach you the Song of Passing, which will turn day to night or vice versa. This is the only song that is optional in Wind Waker.

What US ship raises it's flag at night and lowers it during the day?

The airship "America". It was a blimp and the mast was positioned underneath the ship so raising the flag in the morning was really lowering it and vice versa. :)

What motion of the earth causes day and night?

The Earth rotating causes day and night, it rotates every 24 hours. The Earth rotating causes day and night, it rotates every 24 hours.

What type of movement causes night and day to happen on all planets?

The rotation of the earth on its axis cause day and night.

What causes day and night on earth axis?

The spin of Earth causes day and night. The sun is visible from one hemisphere but not the other.

What causes earths spinning that causes night and day?
