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The causes for TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) pain and disease are numerous, and finding the root cause is the key to successfully treating it.

The cause may be Arthritis. Or it may be a condition of the muscles attached to the joint. It may be a neurological (nerve) condition, or it may be a result of malocclusion (poor positioning or relationships of the teeth). It can also be psychiatric (mental) in origin. It can even be a result of trauma, such as a auto accident or a fall.

The problem is that without determining the real cause, which can manifest itself the same, regardless of the cause, treatment usually centers around only alleviating the symptoms.

Sometimes treating the symptoms can actually exacerbate the actual cause, leading to further problems down the road.

Treatment can be as simple as wearing a custom-made splint (night guard) while you sleep or as complex as surgical replacement of the joint. Sometimes anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen are sufficient, and sometime muscles relaxers or heating pads can give relief. Steroids are used occasionally as well.

Again, the best treatment depends on finding the real cause of the problem.

Diagnosis and treatment are complicated by the fact that the TMJ is the most complex joint in the body, being a combination hinge (like an elbow), slide (like the wrist), and ball joint (like the shoulder). And it is the only joint which is directly impacted by the condition of the other joint on the other side of the head!

Ask for references in your community for a dentist or a dental specialist that has extensive experience in treating TMJ disorders. If surgery is recommended, get a second, or even a third opinion.

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