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Distortion of the drivers perception, sight, hearing, and time is caused by use of hallucinogens.

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Q: What causes distortion of the drivers perception sight hearing and time?
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What causes hearing impairment?

Typical permanent hearing loss is due to damage caused to the eardrum, which can include scaring or perforation, normally caused by exposure to loud noises. Typical temporary hearing loss is normally due either to waxy buildup on the outside of the eardrum (DO NOT TRY TO CLEAR THIS YOURSELF), or a buildup of pressure on the inside wall of the eardrum. There are countless other types of temporary and permanent hearing loss and reduction, consult a medical professional if you even suspect your hearing may be degrading. Many types of hearing loss are preventable if caught in the early stages.

What happens as you get older when the small ear bones get joined together?

This is called auditory ossical fusion or fixation and it causes conductive deafness. It is usually treated by installing a hearing aide.

Disruption of a protein chain's normal shape due to heat or acidity?

as much as i know, the proteins become denatured, if that helps

What is bone deafness?

Bone deafness, also known as conductive hearing loss, is a type of hearing impairment that occurs when sound waves cannot pass through the ear canal and reach the inner ear. This can be caused by issues with the ear canal, eardrum, or middle ear bones, resulting in decreased ability to hear sounds clearly. Treatment for bone deafness can include hearing aids or surgical interventions to improve hearing.

What are some of the most causes of vertigo?

Vertigo causes people to feel unsteady and nauseous. Vertigo is often caused by inner ear problems and can even affect hearing and balance. Vertigo is differentiated from dizziness by the severity of problems and length of symptoms.

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Hallucinogens are a type of drug that causes distortion of the drivers?

Yes. Hallucinogens change the way your brain interprets time, reality, & the environment around you. They also affect the way you move, react to situations, think, hear, & see.

Are hallucinogens a type of drug that causes distortion of the drivers?

Yes. Hallucinogens change the way your brain interprets time, reality, & the environment around you. They also affect the way you move, react to situations, think, hear, & see.

What causes deafness?

Anything that completely blocks the ear canal can cause hearing loss. Blockage with earwax (also called cerumen) is common.Many other problems can block the ear canal and lead to hearing loss. Such blocking causes a decrease in volume but does not generally produce distortion. These problems include:Infections with swelling that shuts the ear canalForeign bodies in the earAn injuryBirth defectsA growth in the ear canal

What causes Farquhars distortion in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?

the slowing of time

What causes hearing loss?

There are many causes of hearing loss, including injury, infection, exposure to loud sounds, and aging.

How are drivers with permanent physical disabilities able to drive?

OLDER DRIVERS: One in six drivers is over age 65. 80% of drivers over age 75 take prescribed medicines. aging causes the following: -dulled vision -slower reflex -weaker muscles -reduced depth perception These symptoms can cause the driver to "forget" to yield the right of way which is a main factor in collisions involving older drivers.

What causes the gravitational force of the moon and the earth?

The distortion of spacetime in response to their respective masses causes their respective gravitational forces.

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what is one problem with the mercator projection