

What causes ear infections?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What causes ear infections?
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Can ear infections make you nauseated?

yes ear infections causes pain and the pain is what actually makes you nauseated.

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Ear infections, thrush

What causes acute infection of the middle ear?

Infections in the middle ear can sometimes spread through the mastoid bone.

What is strep pneumonia?

It's the gram-positive bacteria that causes pneumonia as well as ear infections.

What is the term for an infection of the middle ear caused by a bacteria or virus?

Otitis media is the term used for an infection of the middle ear. Oti- means ear; -tis means inflammation and med- means middle. This infection occurs between the tympanic membrane (ear drum) and the inner ear. Either bacterial infections, which include Staph, or viral infections, due to Influenza, are causes. Fungal infections also occur.

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Can long term throat infections cause hearing loss?

Long term throat infections can close off the drainage tubes for the ears, this causes ear infections that can lead to hearing loss if not properly treated

What causes the ear infection?

Ear infections tend to be caused by water getting trapped in the ear after bathing or swimming. Also, scratching the delicate skin inside the ear with a finger nail or other object may cause an infection as well.

What are ears infections?

An ear infection is when you get an infection in your ear.

When is Myringotomy done?

Myringotomy and ear tube surgery is performed to drain ear fluid and prevent ear infections when antibiotics don't work or when ear infections are chronic

What are some reasons your inner ear smells really bad?

Bacterial, or possibly fungal infections would be the most common causes.

What causes mastoiditis?

Mastoiditis is caused by the same types of bacteria which cause middle ear infections (Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae).