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i was actually looking for the correct term but i saw my eye doctor he told me things form on the inside of the eyelid (pepulla or a P word i forget it). These are caused by the contact constantly rubbing against the eyelid while u blink. These bumps on your eyelid also produce an extreme amount of mucus, this covering ur eye in a very uncomfortable film. Some solutions: Get daily contacts so that ur eyelid gets a smooth new surface every day and is not being scratched by a 2week old contact. Also dont sleep with your contacts in, and wear glasses around the house to give your eyes a break. I hope i was a help to you! If u feel like replying to me with the proper term for this illness or to say thanks please do so at Thanks.

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There are three things that cause excess mucus in the eye. The three things are dry eye, conjunctivitis, and corneal ulcers. Dry eye occurs when the eye does not produce enough tears.

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