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Energy levels will fluctuate depending on several factors. Diet, rest, age and fitness level are some of the factors that will have an affect on your energy level. Diet is one of the most important and the easiest to manipulate. Eating a diet that is high in fast food, processed foods and other 'junk food' will certainly leave you feeling like you have a lack of energy. This is sometimes referred to as overconsumption malnutrition and affects many Americans. We tend to eat way more than our bodies need and our food choices as well as our food preparation leave a lot to be desired, to say the least. Many Americans make their food choices based on convenience and taste rather than nutrition. To help keep your energy levels constant throughout the day, try to eat small, frequent and well balanced meals, trying to avoid going more than 3 hours between meals. Consuming foods that are lower on the glycemic index will also help you to keep a more constant level of energy. Many people have tried this product and claimed that it made a dramatic improvement on the consistancy of their energy levels.

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