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A few lymphs in urine are normal. It is difficult to determine that the cells are actually lymphocytes unless they are stained, which is not a normal part of urinalysis. An abnormally high number of lymphocytes may be caused by chronic inflammatory conditions, virus, or renal transplant rejection.

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The protein can be due to many factors such as damage to the filter of the kidneys, inflammation, glomerolonephritus, pyelonephiritus and cystitus.

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Q: What causes high protein in urine and high lymphocytes in blood?
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What is the medical term meaning high urine protein levels?

Proteinuria is the medical term for excess protein in the urine.Anything in the urine ends with the word -uria. Protein is simply protein, therefore protein in the urine is "proteinuria".Other examples include blood in the urine (haematuria) and glucose in the urine (glycosuria).Anything in the urine ends with the word -uria. Protein is simply protein, therefore protein in the urine is "proteinuria".Other examples include blood in the urine (haematuria) and glucose in the urine (glycosuria).hyperproteinuriaalbuminuriaalbuminuriaalbuminuriaproteinuria

What causes protein in urine when you have lupus?

There are small filters in the kidney called the glomerulus. When a person has lupus, either the lupus causes inflammation in the glomerulus or immune complexes, huge molecules that develop as a result of autoimmune activitiy, clog the filters. The filters are supposed to return good things to the blood and pass garbage through the urine. When the filters are inflamed of clogged, they fail to collect protein and return it to the blood. As a result, protein "leaks" into the urine.

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The most usual cause of blood in the urine is a kidney stone.

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What does occult blood shown in urine test indicate?

Normally there is no protein detectable on a urinalysis strip. Protein can indicate kidney damage, blood in the urine, or an infection. Up to 10% of children can have protein in their urine. Certain diseases require the use of a special, more sensitive (and more expensive) test for protein called a microalbumin test. A microalbumin test is very useful in screening for early damage to the kidneys from diabetes, for instance. "Occult blood" simply means "hidden" blood; blood that is not visible, but is still present. Normally there is no blood in the urine. Blood can indicate an infection, kidney stones, trauma, or bleeding from a bladder or kidney tumor. The technician may indicate whether it is hemolyzed (disolved blood) or non-hemolyzed (intact red blood cells). Rarely, muscle injury can cause myoglobin to appear in the urine which also causes the reagent pad to falsely indicate blood.

What is protein urine?

Not a good sign it indicates your blood is not being filtered properly which is your kidneys job if you have protein in your urine may be an indication of kidney failure

What does blood and protein in a urine sample mean?

Kidney problems maybe

What Medication for blood in urine?

Depends on WHY there is blood in your urine. There are several possible causes with different treatments. See a doctor. Now.

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Fat in the urine (lipiduria) is a symptom of the nephrotic syndrome - a kidney condition that cause loss of protein (and some lipoproteins) in the urine.!

What does it mean if you have 3 plus blood and 1 plus protein in your urine?


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