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Q: What causes lack of water?
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What causes a bladder to stop working?

lack of water

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Lack of water

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Lack of its needs, water, sunlight...etc.

What cellular process causes a plant's leaves to swell?

lack of water

What is water scarcity and what are its causes?

Water scarcity refers to the shortage of water. Its main causes are, over-use of water, usage of pesticides, emissions of waste from industries into the rivers, lack of water management, lack of water treatment plants, ignorance of people, land forms and changes in climate.

What is water scarcity and what are its main causes?

Water scarcity refers to the shortage of water. Its main causes are, over-use of water, usage of pesticides, emissions of waste from industries into the rivers, lack of water management, lack of water treatment plants, ignorance of people, land forms and changes in climate.

What causes Dehydration in cats?

Same thing as humans: through lack of water.

Which is mostlikely to cause a houseplant to languish?

Lack of sufficient sunlight is one of the most likely causes of a houseplant to languish. Other causes may include overwatering or lack of enough water.

What causes the water table to drop?

this is caused by lack of inflow, or too much extraction.

What is the danger in Kenya during the winter dryness?

It causes lack of food and water for the animals and humans

What causes lack of stool production?

whay causes lack of stool production

How do you treat a chicken which is not defecating?

A chicken that does not relieve itself is a serious problem. The two most common causes are lack or water and lack of fiber. Separate the chicken and feed them water and timothy hay.