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High hormones in the body.

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Q: What causes multiple dark spots on armpits?
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Freckles? Freckles are caused by the sun and being out in it too long.

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What causes dark spots on your penis?

it could be cancer you should get it checked out by a doctor see what he come up with

What are sun spots and how are they formed?

Sunspots are dark spots visible on the sun that are caused by intense magnetic activity and causes the area where the sunspots are seen to cool the temperature at that area.

Dark spots at the gum line?

Hi I think its infection whether it causes you pain or not you must go to your dentist.

What are dark spots called on the photosphere called?

The black spots on the photosphere of the sun are called sunspots.

Why are your armpits black?

Black armpits could be a sign of over-pigmentation of the skin. It could also be because of shaving if you have dark hair.

Why are your armpits blue?

your armpits are dark because of your shadow.

What is called the dark spots of the sun?

sun spots

What causes Dark spots?

Dark spots or circles created under the eyes takes away the whole look and ruin it.The dark spots are caused due to many reasons, it could be either hormonal changes, due to acne, or decrease in hemoglobin. Some reasons responsible for the formation of dark circles are:Sometimes when the oil is not able to discharge from the pores of the face, the oil gets clogged up causing skin inflammation and thus resulting a black spot on the skin.Acne is also one of the main causes of dark circles under the eyes.Acne causes excess fat due to changes in the sebaceous gland, it blocks the pores and cause pimples, white heads and dark spots.One of the cause of dark circles is Lipofuscin which ins present in facial cells.I preferred to take ayurvedic treatment like Roop Mantra, Himalaya to remove the dark spots naturally.