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The first two things you have to look at are diabetic neuropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome. Diabetic neuropathy is more of a burning pins and needle feeling and can effect the feet as well and of course you would have to have Diabetes. Carpal tunnel syndrome classically will give you numbness and tingling of the first 2 or 3 fingers at night and upon waking. You may have a history of diabetes, hypothyroidism or repetitive use of hands. It effects women 2:1 usually in the 35-55 year old range and unlike diabetic neuropathy it won't effect your feet and it may be in one hand.

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Q: What causes pins and needles sensation in hands after sleeping?
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'Pins and needles' are a sensation of uncomfortable tingling or prickling, usually felt in the arms, legs, hands or feet. A common cause is pressure on a specific part of the arm or leg, which causes compression of nerves.

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Because you probably keep sleeping on it wrong.

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hate to break it for you, but i guess it is warm and wet this ''sensation'', might wanne consider aiming inside the toilet....

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Although it mights sound counterintuitive, the best way to get rid of a pins and needles sensation in your hands or feet is to move them around. The sensation is caused by a decrease in bloodflow and movement will restore bloodflow to that area.


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How would you respond to a burning sensation on your hands after being in the laboratory?

I would definitely wash my hands.

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This sensation seems to have many possible causes. According to, posture, position, mineral imbalances, artery disease, nerve damage and diabetes are some of the causes. also lists a lot of conditions that have the "pins and needles" sensation as a symptom. I will include both links for you below.

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What causes Hands going to sleep during sleep?

When you lie on your arm, you cut off the blood supply to it due to the weight of your body compressing the arteries that serve your hand. When you do this when you are awake, you feel pins and needles. Due to the lowered state of conciousness that you experience in sleep, you are not aware of this sensation as strongly, leading to a decrease in oxygen being delivered to the hands to the point where nerves and neurones in the hand stop firing correctly, leading to the loss of proprioception and sensory input to the brain from your hand, causing you to wake.

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Your hands tingle because they are sleeping

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You get a burning sensation for the rest of the day

How do you get rid of the burning sensation of your hands after you eat crayfish?

mouthwash and dish soap mixed