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Q: What causes retention of CO2 in blood during exercise?
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What molecule increases in the blood during exercise?

During exercise our blood circulation speed increases. It effect in amino acid and a molecule ATP which causes muscles to increase strength.

What causes vasopressin increase?

yea,by retention water ,it increase blood volume,which ultimately increase blood pressure..

What is blood shunting during exercise?

it is when you dont have enough blood.

Why does blood flow slowly in a kidney during a vigorous exercise?

Blood flow to the kidneys and abdomen decreases duringexercise because the muscles need more oxygen, and so, the blood vessels in them dilate. This causes more blood to go to the muscles, leaving less blood in the rest of the body.

Why do more blood flow during exercise?

Because during exercise more oxygen is required , so more blood is pumped to meet the requirement.

Does the stomach gets more blood during exercise?

No, the stomach and intestines get LESS blood during exercise. The blood is needed in the muscles being used and is shunted there instead of digestive organs

What causes the Feeling of thousands of pin pricks after exercise?

The flow of blood through the body is what causes the sensation of little pin or needle pricks after exercise. The capillaries open and the blood flows faster than normal.

Which organ receives more blood during exercise than at rest?

During exercise theskeletalmuscles receive 12,500mL/mins

What are the causes of high blood pressure?

High cholesterol levels, and not enough exercise.

Abruptly stopping intense exercise causes blood to pool in the lower extremities?

Abruptly stopping aerobic activity can cause blood pooling in your lower extremities or making you feel lightheaded.

Does blood flow to the kidneys increase during vigorous exercise?


What happens to blood flow to kidneys during exercise?

it rises