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Many things can. The most obvious are CVA's (strokes or cerebrovascular accidents) TIA's (mini-strokes or transient ischemic attacks), palsies (such as Bell's palsy, although it is more known for its causing facial drooping), neuromas, and other types of nerve impingements. Numbness on one side is almost always a symptom of a significant problem and will almost never go away if ignored. See a doctor as soon as you can.

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Well, if it is only in one arm (not including the right leg or face as well - which could indicate stroke) then I would say probably nerve irritation, pressure or damage, most likely occurring somewhere between where the nerve leaves the spine, and the arm. It could be from muscle tension or inflammation somewhere along the nerve causing pressure or irritation of the nerve.

I get it from inflammation in my spine. I have Arthritis, disk damage and osteophytes (bone spurs) so the spaces where the nerves exit the spine are small. All it takes is a little inflammation to cut off the nerve flow. The best thing I've found for me is yoga and stretching, 800 mg of ibuprofen and some visits with my massage therapist.

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There are several things that could cause one sided numbness in the face & head. You should talk to you doctor about it if it doesn't resolve itself. It could be a very mild form of Bell's Palsy (which is usually temporary and goes away on its own), which itself can have many possible causes. Basically, if it doesn't go away, talk to your doctor!

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Many things 1st Have a freind check you for symptoms of a stroke! otherwise If it doesn't return to normal in 24 hrs go to a doctor.