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Im not sure why it feels like that but garguling salt water 4 times every half hour and putting a warm wash cloth on your throat always helps

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Q: What causes s throat to feel like it is closing over and what can you take?
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There are many conditions that can cause a severe sore throat including strep throat. Cancer of the throat can cause the throat to feel sore. When you have a persistent sore throat consult a physician.

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i have the same exact problem i feel like there is something like a piece of food or like a popcorn kernel but nothing is there i went to the doctor and they said that it could be allergies or it could just be dry throat.

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Sounds like a bad case of bronchitis or possibly walking pneumonia. I'd go to a doctor as soon as possible.

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If you feel fine its proably just a scratch or something in the back throat. If you dont feel to well then you have strep throght. If you have strep see a doctor immedially

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i would use a quarter ounce of cocaine a day for two years, it makes your throat feel that way because when you snort it it also travels down into your throat which is a very sensitive membraine and the cocaine and cut that is in it really irritate it and can and will start to eat away at your throat i kicked the crap cold turkey i hope you do the same it just gets worse and worse and will cause bad health problems 4 sure You could also be allergic to something in it.

What if i feel like there's something in my windpipe?

It means: 1: You DO have something in your throat or 2. The spot in your throat that causes your cough reflex is being tickled. Generally this is being done by a pathogen that your body is trying to expel (like when you have a cold)

You have been having pain in the back and front of your neck and causing your throat to feel like is swelling and has a very thick feeling like a knot in your throat?

Swine Flu.. GO TO THE DOCTOR!!

What causes a popping noise in your throat?

I would like to know. I have had a popping noise in my throat for about a year now. My doctor says it's harmless and normal since there is cartilage and bone moving in that area of the throat.

Which websites can tell the name of the disease if its symptoms are typed?

Try using the symptom checker on WebMD. :) EXAMPLE: what causes pain in the throat that runs down to your chest and makes you feel like you are having a heart attack?

How do cats miaow?

cats have a voice box, just like we do. They feel a rumble in the back of their throat and it comes out, a it like a hum.