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eyes rolling back is not good for anyone of any age. it normally indicates fainting which is called Syncope. its caused by temporary loss of blood supply to the brain. the not breathing can be caused by the fainting as well. i would consult a doctor ASAP reguarding this matter.

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Q: What causes stiffness eyes rolling into the back of the head and not breathing for a few seconds in a newborn?
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Breathe in for 4 seconds. Hold it for 4 seconds. Breathe out for 4 seconds.

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Well, it all depends on how new this newborn kitten is. If you're talking about just being born a few seconds ago, the answer is NO. A mother cat licks her newborn kitten to get it to start breathing. If you pick up a newborn kitten that's only a few minutes old, you're basically killing it. If the kitten is a few hours or a couple of days old, go ahead and pick it up, that is if you can. A mother cat is very defensive of her kittens. you may get scratched or bitten in the process.

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The longest a person has gone without breathing voluntarily is about 22 minutes. This was achieved by Stig Severinsen, a Danish freediver. It is not recommended to try to hold your breath for extended periods of time as it can be extremely dangerous and potentially fatal.

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Sleep apnea.

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Check for adequate breathing for 10 seconds; the chest should clearly rise for breathing to be effective.

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breathe in for 3 seconds and breathe out for 6 seconds. This is a common technique while meditating.

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The appropriate period in which one should be able to intubate a newborn is 60 seconds. For more information about the issue, one should consult a doctor.

When should Rescue breathing be given to an infant?

* If he is unconscious. * If breathing is at an abnormal rate (higher or lower than the proper rate).