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Q: What causes the liquid rock in the asthenosphere to move?
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The process that causes liquid rock to move is called?

Convection causes liquid rock to move.

Is Asthenosphere a liquid rock?

No. The rock of the asthenosphere forms a ductile solid.

What is a process that causes liquid rock to move?

convection :)

What is ''plastic'' rock and how does it move?

The asthenosphere, moves with convection

How does the rock move in the asthenosphere?

Convection Currents carry the plates

What is rock that is melted into liquid form?

More felsic than the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted

Does The solid rock of the asthenosphere has the ability to flow.?

yes because it is a solid that can move

What causes the Continental and oceani plates to move?

The tectonic plates move because of the great amount of liquid rock, or magma that they 'float' on and get pushed by.

What is the state of matter of the rock within the asthenosphere?

Since litho means rock that would be solid. There is some liquid rock, lava, in the mix. There is also water and oil.

Is the asthenosphere solid?

The asthenosphere is a ductile solid.The asthenosphere is a layer of the mantle that consists of slowing flowing solid rock, so I would say it is considered both a liquid and a solid in one.

What process causes liquid rock to move?

Vulcanism is the process that forces liquid rock (magma) from deep within the Earth, up to the surface. Once the rock is expelled from a Volcano, the force of Gravity makes it flow down the sloped surface.

Why is the asthenosphere important to the theory of plate tectonics?

It is the movement of ductile rock in the asthenosphere caused by convection currents that creates movement of the lithospheric plates. It is the conveyor belt on which the plates move.