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in my opinion its the fact that there's a lot of lead and other metals under the surface of the ocean in Bermuda, and that causes ships electronics to go haywire

There is a theory that there are large pockets of decaying materials in the sediment there creating pockets of methane gas. The release of these gases will stall out an aircraft engine due to lack of oxygen. The bubbles can cause a boat or ship to breach and sink in a matter of minutes.

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14y ago
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12y ago

When you go back through the records of the disasters that have happened in

the part of the Atlantic Ocean that everybody calls the "Bermuda Triangle", an

intriguing pattern emerges that's hard to ignore. At the same time, you notice

that there has been a complete and total absence of any explanation from our

government that ever told us about this pattern, and it makes you wonder: Did

the government scientists spot it a long time ago and decide not to talk about

it, or could it be that I'm the first one who ever noticed it ? And if you write to

the government and tell them about it, they absolutely will not put it in the

paper, so it's hard to believe that they're actually trying to protect us and keep

us free and keep us informed. We'll never know how many unsuspecting people

went to the bottom just because the government wouldn't tell us what it knew.

When you look at Area 51, and the ozone hole, and the global warming stories,

and taking our guns away, and then borrowing trillions of dollars from China and

launching it all into space, it really makes you wonder. I mean, all the government

experts are telling you there's no such thing as aliens, and at the same time the

Foreign Department is telling us that there's millions of them right here in America

and we should give them all drivers licenses and then give every one of them some

amnesty and send 'em all back where they came from. Who you supposed to believe ? !

Anyway, back at the Bermuda Triangle. As we all know, everybody knows

somebody that heard from his brother-in-law's barber's girl friend that she

actually heard somebody tell her that he read that there have been millions of

ships and planes lost under mysterious circumstances, and nobody saw them

or heard from them and they all vanished without a trace, and he read that they

all went down in the same latitudes and longitudes. It's totally scary.

So when you dig up the newspaper stories of each disaster, along with the

eyewitness accounts of all the people who swore that they never saw a thing,

you can see this pattern start to jump out at you. You'll find that up to 85 percent

of the airplanes that crashed into the water in this area, and also up to 60 percent

of the ships that sprang a leak in their hull while they were sailing in that part of

the Atlantic and their radios were not working, every one of them sank without

a trace and with little or no survivors.

Now we're not drawing any conclusion or telling you what to think about all of

this, and you're free to look at it any way it makes sense to you. But it's just

unusual and we think it looks strange, and we're just saying . . .

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Why don't ships sink in the Bermuda Triangle?

Ships do sink....

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What is the Bermuda-Triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area that has points at Cuba, Bermuda isles and Florida. There are different ideas as to how exactly ships and planes sink sink in this are. People speculate that it is the USAF, natural occurences, sea monsters and aliens.

Why do you float in the dead ocean and sink in the Bermuda triangle?

because of gravity

Why does any object sink down into Bermuda triangle?

Because there are magnetic forces that pull down anything over the surface of the bermuda triangle. -Tristin Anduze

How do you prevent the disappearance in Bermuda triangle?

The answer that the first person gave to this question was foolish. There no way to prevent being sucked in the Bermuda triangle because the pressure is so high that even planes sink.

How do you feel about the Bermuda triangle?

i am ok with it but is kinda of dumb because now when you go over it you dont sink !

Why none returns when go in Bermuda triangle?

There has been a theory that aliens abduct humans and leave the vessel to sink

Why don't the bodies of the people float after the ships sink in Bermuda triangle?

because there are electrical curronts and the curronts of the water.

Where do ships end up in the Bermuda triangle?

basically they sink but after a few hours there harder to find therefore, they cant find them!

Did the titanic sink near Bermuda triangle?

The RMS Titanic sunk when it hit an iceberg on the 14th of April 1912 however it did not sink until the early hours of the 15th.The Titanic hit an iceberg in the Atlantic sea when it was travelling from Southampton to New York.