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Q: What cell division shortens to pull the chromatids apart?
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During cell division this shortens to pull the chromatids apart.?

spindle fibers

The framework of microtubules that appears in cell division which eventually moves the chromatids apart is called the?

spindle apparatus

How many chromatids in a cell in which DNA synthesis has occurred prior to cell division?

58 chromatids

The phase of cell division during which the chromatids are pulled apart and move to the opposite ends of the cell is?

The chromosomes pull apart and are pulled toward opposite ends of the cell during anaphase.

What happens to the amount of chromosomes during cell division?

During cell division the chromosomes are copied and they form sister chromatids. Then the mitotic spindle attaches to the sister chromatids and pulls them apart, splitting the nucleus in two. Then the cell goes through cytokenesis and the cell membrane is pinched together in the center, this divides the organelles and the cytoplasm between the two daughter cells.

The number of sister chromatids in a human body cell that is entering cell division is?


What functions to separate chromatids during cell division?

spindle apparatus

What chromosomes become visible at the beginning of cell division?

two chromatids

What is the failure of sister chromatids to separate during cell division?


What is the function of chromatids?

Chromatids are the little strings of DNA inthe process called mitoisis

When centromeres divide and chromatids move apart?

The nuclear membrane fades from view

What is found only in animal cells helps with cell division by pulling apart chromosomes?

The organelles in question are the centrioles. During cell division, the centrioles move to oppose poles of the cell and synthesise the microtubules that make up the spindle apparatus, which separates the sister chromatids during the stage of anaphase.