

What cell kill germs that attacks the body?

Updated: 5/20/2022
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8y ago

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The cells that attack invading germs are white blood cells (technically known as leucocytes).

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Jacky Farrell

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2y ago
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Q: What cell kill germs that attacks the body?
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Yes, ammonia has antimicrobial properties and can kill some germs and bacteria. However, it is not effective against all types of germs and may not be suitable for all cleaning purposes. It is important to use ammonia carefully and in well-ventilated areas.

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An antigen are the germs that enter the body, and antibodies are the thing that the body produces to kill them.

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When you boil water, you will kill all germs that are in it.

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Soap can kill germs but can't get rid of them permanently. They will keep coming back. Don't buy 'can kill 99.9% of germs because not only does it kill bad germs, but it kills the good ones too.

Does hot water kill germs or does cold water kill germs?

I know for sure hot water kills germs

What kills germs?

Preventative measures like proper handwashing and cleaning the physical environment either kill or keep germs from multiplying. When germs infect the body, antibiotics can kill or control the infection/germs. However, because germs have been repeatedly exposed to the agents we use to combat germs, many germs have mutated and no longer respond to the usual agents. This is why doctors have become reluctant to give antibiotics.

Does alcohol kill germs?

alcohol dehydrating the cell/s. due to lack of water germ killed.

Is calamansi can kill germs?

Calamansi can kill germs because of its acid. Just like vinegar...^_*

Does salt kill germs?

Yes, it kills most germs.

Can germs have a good side?

Yes, they can kill other germs