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Q: What cell part are found in plant cells that is found outside the cell membrane?
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What features are found in plant cells but not animal cells'?

cell walls are in plant cells outside of the membrane, while animal cells don't have a wall, only a membrane.

Where is the plasma membrane found?

The cell membrane is the outer boundary of animal cells and plant cells, but plant cells also have a cell wall to protect their cells. The cell membrane and cell walls are the outer boundaries of cells.

Is the cell membrane found in the plant cell or the animmal cell?

Cell membranes are found in both animal and plant cells. They are composed of a phospholipid bilayer, which is responsible for controlling what can come into and out of the cell. Plant cells also have a cell wall, which animal cells do not. This is outside of the cell membrane. It is composed primarily of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin - and provides structural support and rigidity to the plant cell.

Is cell membrane found in animal or plant cells or both?

The cell membrane is found in both plant and animal cells. However, only plant cells have cell walls.

What is a structure outside the plasma membrane and gives support to some cells?

This structure is called a cell wall and it is found in plant cells and bacteria cells.

Is the nuclear membrane found in plant or animal cells?

They are found in both plant and animal cells.

Where can be found the plasma membrane?

plant cells

Are plasma membrane found in plant cells?

Of course they are found in plant cells.Every living cell has a plasma membrane.

Is cell surface membrane found in plants and animal cells?

A cell membrane is found in both plant and animal cells!!

Is a nuclear membrane found in a plant?

Yes, it is found in both plant and animal cells.

What structure is outside the cell membrane?

For plant cells, there is a cell wall outside of the cell's membrane. Animal cells do not have walls, so there is no structure outside of the cell membrane.

The protective covering on the outside of the cell is called the?

For plant cells, they have a cell membrane and covering the cell membrane is a cell wall. The cell wall is for the structure of the plant. For animal cells, they just have a cell membrane.