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Q: What cell type moves out of the blood stream and into the tissues?
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Related questions

Where in the body is the red blood cell?

Every where it is in the blood stream.

How many cells in the blood usually live in the blood stream?

well a blood cell is only one cell and all of them usually live in the blood stream unless you get cut or get a blood blister or you get internal injuries.

Which white blood cell is the first to leave the blood to enter infected tissues?


What do red blood cell transport from tissues?

Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and remove carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs for exhalation.

What is the major work of your red blood cell?

major work of the red blood cell is to transport oxygen to the entire tissues of the body

What cell type is d first to leave the blood and enter infected tissues?

White blood cells

What do the blood vessel carry to the cell?

The Blood Vessel Carries Useful Materials To The Cells And Tissues Of The Body.

GAses like oxygen and carbon dioxide move across cell membrane using what?

It moves by diffusion and partial pressure. You breathe in several gasses and each has its own individual pressure. The pressure of O2 in the air we breathe is greater than the pressure in the blood vessels in our lungs. The blood in your lungs is low because it has been depleted by body tissues. So high pressure in air and low pressure in blood means air moves into the blood stream. Carbon dioxide pressure in the blood is high because tissues have been creating it through aerobic respiration and its higher than the pressure of carbon dioxide in the air so CO2 passes from the blood into the lungs. Source: Respiratory Therapy Student

How does the circulatory system get oxygen and sugar to all the cells in the body?

When blood passes through the lungs, oxygen from the alveoli diffuse into the capillaries and is taken up by red blood cells. There it binds to hemoglobin. The red blood cells will travel through the arteries to the tissues where the oxygen will disassociate itself from the hemoglobin and diffuse into the tissues (cells).

What are macrophage?

A macrophage is a large cell (in cellular scope). It is found in tissues or in the form of a white blood cell. This cell is especially present where there is infection.

What are the vital functions of a cell?

I think that the main function is to manage oxygen from the blood stream.

What molecules carry cholesterol through the blood stream?

Cholesterols, as well as exogenous (from diet) triacylglycerols, are transported, from the intestines to the tissues through the blood stream, by lipoproteins called chylomicrons, globular micellelike particles that consist of a nonpolar core of triacylglycerols and cholesteryl esters surrounded by an amphiphilic coating protein, phospholipid, and cholsterol.