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Any kind of Bacteria, bacteria is one celled and doesn't have a nucleaus

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Q: What cells like bacteria without a nucleus?
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What cells do not have a nucleus like bacteria?


How are archae and bacteria alike?

Like archaea, bacteria are also single-celled organisms without nuclei.

Is there a cell without nucleus?

Yes. Bacteria have DNA but no nucleus and red blood cells have neither. There are two types of cells: prokaryote and eukaryote cells. Eukaryote are your more common cells with membrane bound organelles and a true nucleus. While prokaryotes like bacteria, do not have membrane bound organelles and no true nucleus, instead just a jumble of chromatin.

Bacteria that are prokaryotic and the one that are eukaryotic?

eukaryotic cells have a nucleus like mammals and plants but prokaryotic cells don't have a nucleus like bactiria.

Bacteria without a cell wall?

All cells can be classified into one of two groups based on the presence or absence of a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.Cells containing a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles are classified as eukaryotic. Alternately, cells that lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles areprokaryotic.

Does prokaryotic cells have a nucleus?

No, eukaryotic cells have nuclei. The word prokaryotic means: Pro=before, kary="nut" (nucleus) + -otic=pertaining to. So by definition it has no nucleus (nut).

Is it true bacterial cells do not have a nucleus?

Bacterial cells do have a nucleus. Basically all cells have a nucleus! Bacteria cells are just a different shape like plant cells. If cells didn't have a nucleus they wouldn't be able to work properly!

What is the only human cell without nucleus?

Red blood cells (erythrocyte) do not contain nuclei. In case you're wondering where the DNA they get from a blood sample comes from, it is taken from the white blood cells (leukocytes) which do contain nuclei.

What type of cell doesn't have a nucleus?

Prokaryotic organisms don't have a nucleus. And also bacteria do not have a nucleus they only have vacuoles as they are thread like material. All of the prokaryotic and archea cells don't have a nucleus. Only eukaryotic cells have a nucleus.

What are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

The nucleus of the bacterial cell is not well-organised like the cells of the multicellular organisms. There is no nuclear membrane. The cells having nuclear material without nuclear membrane are termed Prokaryotic cells. The organisms with these kinds of cell are called Prokaryotes(pro:primitive; Karyon: nucleus). Examples are bacteria and blue green algae.The cells, like onion cells and check cells having well-organised nucleus with a nuclear membrane are designated as Eukaryotic cells. All organisms other than bacteria and blue green algae are called Eukaryotes. (eu: true ; karyon: nucleus).

What is a statement that explain why the nucleus is important to cells?

A nucleus is the brain of a cell. Without it. It would be just like us without a brain