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His religion and flip flops will be questioned. However, his Bain experience will help him in this economy.

Frankly, his biggest challenge in the upcoming presidential general election will be to convince the general electorate (Independents in particular) that he is NOT as Conservative as most of his statements during the Republican primary make him out to be. Those voting in the Republican primary make up about 30% of the total electorate, and the things that that particular bunch of people consider important are NOT the same as the other 70% of the electorate.

Thus, his big challenge is to move his stances on a large number of issues closer to the middle, while not alienating his Republican supporters. In the current environment, where the majority of the Republican party believes in ideological purity (that is, compromise of any Republican stance is a Bad Thing, and those willing to compromise are to be shunned), this is going to be very difficult.

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