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They got screwed with communism

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Q: What changed about Cuba's culture as a result of Fidel Castro becoming president of Cuba?
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What occupation did Fidel Castro have?

Castro was a lawyer before becoming the dictator of Cuba, he later became the president of Cuba.

Who is the leading advocate of gay rights in Cuba?

Mariela Castro, daughter of Cuban President Raul Castro and niece of former President Fidel Castro.

Who was the president of Cuba until 2008?

Fidel Castro officially stepped down as President of Cuba in 2008. His brother Raul Castro had been Acting President since 2006, and was given full Presidential status after Castro's resignation.

Who is the president and king of cuba?

Fidel Castro is president (if he has not given up due to ill health), but there is no king.

Who is the chief of Cuba?

Raúl Castro, brother of former president Fidel Castro, is now the president of the Republic of Cuba.

Why is Fidel Castro called a president instead of a dictator?

"Dictator" is a description of Castro's power and inability to be replaced, but "President" is his actual title as the ruler of the country. According to the Cuban Law, Castro is the President of Cuba, so he is addressed as such.

Who was the president of Cuba before Castro?

Raúl Castro was the President of Cuba in 2009. Raúl Castro has been President since 2008 February 24, Acting President as of 2006 July 31. The younger brother of Fidel Castro, Raúl was Fidel's right-hand man during the Cuban revolution.

What was Fidel Castro's title?


Who is Cuba president?

He is Fidel CASTRO

In what year did Raul Castro become president of Cuba?

Raul Castro became president of the Republic of Cuba in 2008 (February 24).

Was Fidel Castro the president of Cuba?

Yes, Fidel Castro was the president of Cuba from 1976 December 2 to 2008 February 24.

When President Eisenhower was too busy to see Castro who did meet with Castro?

Richard NIxon