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because some factory owners, merchants, and investment bankers grew wealthier, they lost some status, respect, and power but continued to look down on those who gained wealth in business.

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some grew wealthy, some lost some status, respect and power

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Q: What changes did industrialization bring about large landowners?
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What changed did industrialization bring about large landowners and aristocrats?

some grew wealthy, some lost some status, respect and power

Small landowners could be ruined by large landowners because what?

because of the money differences of small landowners and large landowners.

How did landowners and aristocrats view wealthy members of the middle class?

Landowners looked down on those who had made their fortunes in the "vulgar" business world. Not until late in the 1800s were rich entrepreneurs considered the social equals of the lords of the countryside.The changes that industrialization brought about for the large landowners and aristocrats was dwindling power and respect due to the amassing of wealth by merchants,factory owners, and investment bankers.

How were large landowners different in Japan and Western Europe in the Middle Ages?

they hug the large landowners different

In chapter 21 why did the small landowners begin to lose their farms?

The small landowners began to lose their farms in chapter 21 due to a combination of factors including economic pressures, the rise of large agricultural corporations, and changes in land ownership laws that favored larger landholders. These changes made it increasingly difficult for small landowners to compete and sustain their livelihoods.

Why did small landowners could be ruined by large landowners in The Grapes of Wrath?

Because the larger landowners monopolize the industry

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What did they do in industrialization?

Industrialization is a shift from farming to large scale manufacturing in industries.

The transformation of the american landscape has been fueled in a large part by?

industrialization, urbanization, and technological advancements. These factors have led to changes in agriculture, infrastructure development, and urban sprawl, altering the physical and social aspects of the American landscape.

Did small Roman farmers force wealthy landowners to sell their large estates?

No they did not. These landowners were too powerful.

Large landowners live in which colonial region?

The large landowners typically lived in the South during colonial times, farming tobacco, rice, cotton and indigo.

Facts about large landowners?

owned slaves and land