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Q: What changes has technology brought to the United States of America?
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Who has the most advanced space technology?

The United States of America

What country has the best cell phone technology?

The United States of America.

Which country has the best technology today?

The United States of America currently hold the best State of the Art Technology

When was baseball brought to the Americas?

Baseball was invented in America, specifically in the United States.

Which technology relies on knowledge about energy and changes in states of matter?

Air conditioners is one of many.

Who brought valentine to America?

The Valentine in The United States was brought by the Italians. Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14 every year.

Why was the Cold War historically significant?

The Cold War brought about changes to the presidency of the United States. Internal and external forces influenced those changes.

Who Is More advanced In Technology China oR America?

I would say the United States because most of the inventions we have today were made in america and china or even japan isn't even near the level america is at with america secret technology because, japan is more advanced in public technology while america is number 1 in secret technology that was just an example and the chinese tech is not the good

When was Ohio brought into the US?

Ohio was brought to the United States of America on December 14, 1804. So this is meaning of showing the Birth date of Ohio.

How does the time changes as you move from West to East?

because the United States of America is divided into time zones.

When was sunflowers brought into the United States?

Sunflowers are native to North and South America; they've "always" been here.

Which credit card companies offer the chip and pin technology in the United States?

Chip and pin technology is the new way many credit card companies in the United States is offering. Banks such as Bank of America, and Capital One both offer credit cards with this technology.