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Protozoans are unicellular and microscopic invertebrates are multicellular

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Q: What characteristic in the microscopic invertebrates distinguishes them from protozoans?
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Related questions

Are protozoans invertebrates?

Yes. They lack a backbone.

What are microscopic protozoans that are found in the guts of insects?


What is the most visible characteristic of protozoans?


What characteristic do all protozoans share?

They are all eukaryotes, and live in moist surroundings.Most protozoans are unicellular, but not all.

Are protists microscopic?

Yes. All protozoans are microscopic indeed.

What are microscopic protozoans that are found in the gut of insects?

Microscopic protozoans that are found in the gut of insects are commonly referred to as insect gut protozoa. These protozoa live symbiotically with insects and can play important roles in the digestion and nutrition of their hosts. They are diverse in their morphology, behavior, and ecological functions within the insect gut ecosystem.

What is a small living creature that cannot be seen without a microscope?

They are microscopic organisms. Some are bacteria,some fungi,protozoans etc

What are protozoans?

Protozoans are unicellular, single celled micro organisms. Usually by themselves, but they sometimes form colonies. These organism get their food from their surroundings, and tend to live in a marine environment or fresh water. The official definition of the word protozoans is "a single-celled microscopic animal of a group of phyla of the kingdom Protista, such as an ameba, flagellate, ciliate, or sporozoan."

What kind of animals do not have back bone?

Invertebrates do not have backbones and the list is long. A few examples include the insects, worms, mollusks, echinoderms, arachnids, gastropods, protozoans, etc.

A living creature that is so small that it cannot it be seen without a microscope?

The answer is a microbe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the smallest aniamal?

Plankton are very small, microscopic plants and animals. They have little or no power of locomotion and float in surface waters. They are found in fresh and salt water. Planktonic animals include protozoans. While they are often referred to as one-celled animals, they have characteristics found in both plants and animals. Most protozoans cannot be seen without a microscope. There are about 30,000 species of protozoans that have been identified so far!

Are protozoans are unicellular or multicellular?

protozoans are unicellular organisms