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The x ray will show normal structures for the age of the patient. The gallbladder should visualize, and be free of any solid structures, such as stones, polyps, etc.

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Q: What characteristics does a normal gallbladder X-ray have?
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Why spleen and the gallbladder were not palpable?

They were of normal size. A normal-sized spleen and gallbladder are not palpable.

What are the types of gallbladder xray?

Ultrasound, CT scan, And the main one that measures the intake and output is the HIDA scan.

What characteristics does an abnormal gallbladder nuclear medicine scan have?

A normal scan shows a gallbladder without gallstones. There will be no evidence of growths or tumors, and no signs of infection or swelling. The normal gallbladder fills with bile and secretes it through the bile duct without blockages.

What are the Gallbladder normal function numbers?

35 and above

What does grossly unremarkable gallbladder mean?

"Grossly unremarkable gallbladder" means that upon visual inspection during a medical procedure such as an ultrasound or surgery, the gallbladder appears normal with no obvious signs of disease or abnormalities.

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If the gallbladder was removed due to gallstones. can still live without a gallbladder?

Yes we can. Removal of the gallbladder does not mean the patient cannot continue to have a normal life. However - a change in diet to a low-fat alternative would be advisable - as the bile produced by the gallbladder is used to process fat in our diet.

What does natural characteristics mean?

normal characteristics

Can you smoke after gallbladder surgery?

Yes. You should be able to eat a normal diet after gallbladder surgery. However, you may want to avoid greasy or spice foods for awhile.

What are the characteristics of bile?

Bile is found in the gallbladder and secreted from the intestine. It is collected in the Canaliculi and ducts and formed from liver cells.

What if your daughter is 4 and her wisdom teeth are coming tho is this normal?

this is not normal. are you sure they aren't just her molars? go see your dentist they will xray her mouth and tell you what to do

How do they do thoracic inlet xrays?

A normal chest xray but angled up a little and a smaller area at the top of your chest.