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Actually the charging mechanism in an automobile is the alternator, and it works whether the wheels are moving or not. The alternator is one of the parts in the engine compartment that have a drive belt. These are the belts that turn the cooling fan for most cars, and for that reason the belts are commonly known as "fan belts". Most new cars have what is known as a serpentine fan belt, that turns more than one part of the car, the alternator being one of the parts being turned. While the engine is running the alternator is putting out a charge that continually charges the coil and other ignition systems along with the cars battery. When the alternator fails the car will run until the battery is drained of it's charge, and that is when you have a dead battery usually.

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Q: What charges the car battery in your car?
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How battery get charged in car?

As the alternator runs, it charges the battery.

What is the part in a car that charges up the battery?

The alternator.

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Car battery charges can check the damage done to the actual battery but to the entire car is another story

What charges a battery on a motorcycle while you are riding it?

Motorcycles have either an alternator or generator depending on the age of the bike. This charges the battery in the same way that a car battery is charged.

What do car batteries run?

-- Answer -- The battery in a car runs ALL the electrical systems in that car. The alternator only charges the battery. If you run a car without the battery in place you will ruin the alternator. Phil

How does hybrid car recharge battery?

The alternator is connected to a gas powered engine. This charges the battery.

What could be wrong with a car if you put a new battery in and it only runs for a day?

Have your alternator checked. That's what charges the battery.

What does an aletnator do in a car engine?

Charges the battery, and provides power for the electrical parts on the vehicle

Does the battery charger drain the car battery before it recharge it or does the charger builds-up the car battery from where it is initially.?

A battery charger does one thing. It charges a battery, and starts with whatever charge is in the battery and goes from there. Running an automobile battery down will shorten it's life.

Why don't car batteries run out of charges after a few starts?

Because the alternator keeps the battery charged when the car is running.

Why is your car not starting and the battery keeps dying?

Possibly a bad alternator. The Alternator charges the battery when the vehicle is running. If the battery is not being charged this could cause the vehicle not to start.