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It is a single replacement (displacement) reaction.

For example: Does the following reaction occur?

Al(s) + CuSO4(aq) --> Al2(SO4)3(aq) + Cu(s)

According to the metal reactivity series, aluminum is above copper on the list, so it is more reactive and will replace (displace) copper in the copper sulfate solution. So this reaction will occur.

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You think probable to a single displacement reaction; atoms are replaced.

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Q: What chemical change occurs when a more reactive substance replaces a less reactive substance in a compound?
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What chemical change occur when a more reactive substance replaces a less reactive substance in a compound?

In this scenario, a single displacement reaction occurs. The more reactive substance replaces the less reactive substance in the compound, resulting in the formation of a new compound and the release of the displaced substance. This type of reaction is driven by differences in reactivity of the substances involved.

What term describes a more reactive element taking the place of a less reactive element?

The more reactive substance is known as a catalyst.

What chemical change occurs when more reactive substance replaces a less reactive substance in a compound?

reduction or oxidation example: (this isn't a real reaction) ClO + CS4 --> CO + ClS4 the chorine has been reduced, because the carbon is more reactive the carbon has been oxidised, because it is more reactive oxidation = the addition of oxygen reduction = the subtraction of oxygen

What is a single placement reaction?

A single displacement reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which one element replaces another in a compound. It occurs when a more reactive element displaces a less reactive one from its compound.

What best describes a single -replacement reaction?

A single-replacement reaction is a type of chemical reaction where an element replaces another element in a compound. This occurs when a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its compound, forming a new compound and releasing the displaced element.

What is a chemical reaction in which an uncombined element replaces an element that is part of a compound?

This is known as a single displacement or substitution reaction. In this type of reaction, the more reactive element displaces the less reactive element from its compound, causing a rearrangement of atoms and the formation of a new compound.

What happens in a single-replacement reaction-?

One element takes the place of another in a compound.

What is it called when a more reactive metal replace a less reactive metal in a compound?

It is called a displacement reaction. In this reaction, the more reactive metal displaces the less reactive metal from its compound, forming a new compound with the more reactive metal.

Copper and iodine reaction?

When copper is added to iodine, a reaction occurs in which the copper displaces the iodine from its compound forming copper iodide. This reaction is a single displacement reaction where the more reactive copper replaces the less reactive iodine in the compound. The chemical equation for this reaction is Cu + I2 → CuI

What is a reaction where free element element takes the place f an element in a compound?

A single displacement reaction is a type of chemical reaction where a free element replaces another element in a compound. This occurs when a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element in a compound, forming a new compound and releasing the displaced element.

What metal can displace sodium?

Potassium can displace sodium, as potassium is more reactive than sodium. When potassium is added to a solution containing sodium ions, a displacement reaction can occur where potassium replaces sodium in the chemical compound.

Why is zinc copper sulphate - zinc sulphate copper a displacement reaction?

it is because zinc is more reactive than copper. thus it can replace copper from its compound. displacement reaction is the reaction in which the more reactive element replaces the less reactive element from its compound. hence zinc is replacing copper from its compound. Obviously it is a displacement reaction.