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Q: What chemical comes from the breakdown of proteins?
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What waste chemical comes from the breakdown of proteins?

Breakdown of proteins produce aminoacids.

What is the chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins and must be eliminted?

These are several aminoacids.

What is the chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins?

Amino acids, but they can also be broken down further thru metabolism.

What organs aid in the chemical breakdown of proteins?

Stomach - highly acidic environment will denature and/or break down proteins.

What proteins that speed up certain chemical reaction?

Amylase helps speed up breakdown of starch molecules.

Why enzyme speeds up the breakdown of proteins in food?

Proteases are enzymes that speed up the breakdown of proteins.

What causes a rotten egg to smell?

It is the chemical hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is produced by the breakdown of proteins containing the amino acid cysteine.

What enzyme breakdown proteins?

Proteases break down proteins.

What enzyme speeds up the breakdown of proteins in food-?

The enzyme that speeds up the breakdown of proteins in food are called protease.

How does mechanical breakdown helps chemical breakdown?

Mechanical breakdown helps chemical breakdown because when you chew, chemical breakdown is going on all at the same time. So, that is going to chemical because if you didn't have saliva (chemical breakdown) if would take real long to digest your food.

Why is the breakdown of proteins a problem for animals?

The breakdown of proteins is a problem for animals for quite a few reasons. Proteins are complex and some animals don't have the ability to break them down.

How does mechanical breakdown affect chemical breakdown?

Mechanical breakdown makes food smaller so it wasn't be so large for the chemical breakdown.