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Examples are: H, O, C, P, S, I, B, N, F, S, V, K, U, Y, W.

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Q: What chemical symbols always consist of a single letter?
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Are chemical symbols the first two letters in an element's name?

Not always... There are chemical elements beginning with the same letter - for example Copper and Cobalt. However - every chemical symbol does consist of two letters.

What is true about the First letter of a chemical symbol?

Not always... There are chemical elements beginning with the same letter - for example Copper and Cobalt. However - every chemical symbol does consist of two letters.

What is the chemical for ch3ch2chch2ch2oh-ch3?

You think probable to hexanol; in chemical symbols the first letter is writed with a capital letter.

Is kcI a compound?

Did you mean KCl ? it's ionic.

What is the combinations of chemical symbols that describe the composition of a chemical compound?

Each element is given a symbol (a letter or a pair of letters where the first one is always a capitol letter and the second one is always a small letter). For instance the letter for Hydrogen is an 'H' and for Oxygen is an 'O'. When describing the formula for a chemical compound you use these symbols to say what elements it is made of and you follow each element with a number if there is more than one atom of that element in the compound. For instance water is made of one atom of Oxygen and two atoms of Hydrogen and therefore its chemical formula is: H2O

What name for a compound with the formula cas?

No such formula as 'cas'. However, if you mean 'CaS' , this is calcium sulphide. NB when writing elemental symbols, single letter symbols are ALWAYS a CAPITAL letter e.g. S(sulphur). A two letter symbol is always written , first letter is a CAPITAL letter and the second letter is always small/lower case, e.g. Ca(calcium)

What is the product of NA2O HCl?

The products are sodium chloride and water. Na2O + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2O . NB When writing chemical symbols remember;_ #1 Single letter symbols are ALWAYS a CAPITAL Letter. #2 Double letter symbols are first letter is a capital letter and second letter is small/lowe case. Hence 'NA' is incorrect it should be 'Na',

What is the pH value of h2o?

First of all , what is 'h2o' ? If you mean 'water' , then the correct formula is 'H2O'. Note the CAPITAL letters. When expressing chemical symbols, one letter symbols are always a CAPITAL letter, hence hydrogen is 'H' not 'h'. Similarly oxygen. Two letter symbols are always written as , first letter is a Capital letter and the second letter is small/lower case. e,g, sodium (Na) neither 'na' nor 'nA'. The pH of water is '7' . It is at neutrality.

What is the chemical combination of symbols that represents a compound?

Each element is given a symbol (a letter or a pair of letters where the first one is always a capitol letter and the second one is always a small letter). For instance the letter for Hydrogen is an 'H' and for Oxygen is an 'O'. When describing the formula for a chemical compound you use these symbols to say what elements it is made of and you follow each element with a number if there is more than one atom of that element in the compound. For instance water is made of one atom of Oxygen and two atoms of Hydrogen and therefore its chemical formula is: H2O

Is LINO3 a strong electrolyte?

What is LINO3??? If you mean 'LiNO3' ( lithium nitrate) then , yes!!!, it is a strong electrolyte. NB When writing chemical formulae the first letter is ALWAYS a CAPITAL letter and the second letter is always small/lower case.. 'L' as an element does not exist. 'I' as an element is iodine. However, lithium is 'Li'. NOT 'LI'. This is the interntional recognised standard for writing chemical symbols and formulae.

What does a three-letter chemical symbol show?

Three_letter symbols represent elements with temporary name

What is the rule about capital and lower case letters in chemical symbols?

The first letter is allways capital.