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Mumps causes salivary glands to swell dramatically.

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Q: What childhood disease causes the salivary glands in the jaw to swell dramatically?
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It is not known what causes the onset of Raynaud's disease. Though it can be hereditary, often the disease is much milder in offspring. The illness occurs spontaneously, often in childhood or adolescence, without any underlying cause.

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What causes bow legged?

this could be a birth defect or a childhood disease called "rickets" which is normally caused by poor nutrition. Sometimes it can be caused by lack of Vitamin D

Swelling of the parotid gland?

The most common cause of a salivary gland lump is mumps, which usually affects children and typically causes painful swellings on both sides of the face. However there are many other causes of swelling in the salivary glands, for example salivary gland infection, salivary gland cancer, systemic diseases and drugs.The main clinical feature of salivary gland cancer is swelling in the salivary gland region though it does not exactly indicate that you have cancer as most salivary gland tumors are benign.Read more about salivary gland cancer here

What are the causes of childhood diabetes?

It is actually unknown as to what specifically causes diabetes during childhood. It is generally understood to be a combination of environmental factors and genetics.

What causes symptons of disease?

when you havent got enough antiboies to kill the disease causes the symptons of a disease occurs

Do the measles make you itchy?

Neither type of measles (rubella and rubeola) produces much itching. Chicken pox (varicella zoster) is the most common childhood disease that causes itching.